Woah! [[disclaimer|Disclaimer]]: This site 'Christopedia.eu' is a stand alone bible study resource that has never, does not now nor shall it ever share any association or affiliation with any other 'christopedia' sites on the world wide web, eg. .us, .com, .co.uk, etc. This site is **//__NOT__//** attempting to teach, propagate or represent any one particular 'doctrine' teaching, idea, ideology, subject, person, people or religious group, religion, race, culture or denomination. It is however an ardent attempt to present the bible as a complete communication device used by its authors to convey a message and the whats, hows and whys that its authors were attempting to communicate to their peculiar audiences in their time. This is as a 'Work In Progress' / 'Men at Work' kinda site. Thread carefully, read prayerfully